Eathan turned 16 and now has his drivers lincences
Eathan turned 16 and now has his drivers lincences

eathan turned 16 and now has his drivers lincences eathan turned 16 and now has his drivers lincences

This becomes even more apparent in season two, where he becomes brave enough to storm the Vampire Council and let a car possessed by a spirit of a vampire chase him to stop it from hurting anyone else. In the second season, it's Ethan's second year in Whitechapel High and while surviving typical High School drama, he attempts to use his smarts to figure out a cure for Vampirism after the incident where Sarah bit him.Įthan is also quite a brave person, although often seeming timid, easily frightened and prone to shocks, he is always able to overcome his fears and confront them when the need requires him to. Although Benny often gets the two of them into sticky situations, Ethan is usually able to find a way out. He is in the chess club along with Benny. He is also shown to care for his loved ones and will go to any height to protect them. He is very persuadable, because of which he usually goes along with Benny in his schemes. He loves playing video games and is book-smart. Ethan is understood most by Benny, whom he has been best friends with since childhood (it is also implied by one of Rory's statements that Ethan has been friends with him since childhood, so it can be assumed that the three of them have been friends since childhood). It is unknown why his father doesn't have the ability, but this could just be due to him inheriting it from his mother's side, or that it skips generations or is recessive.Įthan and his friends are mainly known as nerds at Whitechapel High, a fact Ethan is more sensitive about than Benny or Rory.

eathan turned 16 and now has his drivers lincences

It runs in his family and Jessie notes his Great-Great-Grandfather as being a Seer. He inherited his power from his ancestors.

eathan turned 16 and now has his drivers lincences

His visions usually help him learn more about supernatural forces and how to defeat them. As a freshman, he first meets Sarah and through her he meets Erica.Įthan is a Seer, meaning he's able to see visions through touch. In the movie and season one he's a freshman along with Benny, and in season two he is a sophomore. But two things make that almost impossible: the constant paranormal chaos of Whitechapel and Benny. Awkward and sweet, Ethan just wants to have a normal high school experience, continue his unbroken streak on the honor roll and maybe date a girl.

Eathan turned 16 and now has his drivers lincences